House of Luxurious Embodiment

Come home deeply to yourself, restore coherence in your nervous system and thrive in life.

Feminine Medicine Coaching & Somatic Therapy

This is a fusion of feminine embodiment, psychotherapy, somatic therapy and coaching.

Feminine Medicine Coaching incorporates body-mind processes that support you to feel safe, grounded and at home in your body. From this place you can enhance feeling deeply nourished on the inside and grow and expand from this state of being. This modality harnesses the power of your inner perceptions and body wisdom. It is a gentle process that gets to the roots and core of tensions and blocks in your emotions and also grows your capacity to experience more of what you want in your being and life.

Your innate body wisdom naturally wants to re weave into wholeness and does so, by harnessing the support and holding in the relational field of the session.

This process helps you resonate with your true hearts desires at the deepest level of your being: at the somatic level of your nervous system. This is a bottom-up approach where the shifts that are integrated at the somatic level, inform your mind and beliefs of the new ways of being that you now embody.

We are working with the unconscious, stored in the body. The unconscious holds our shadow and our inner treasure, the gifts, the gold.

What can it help with? The process helps you to calibrate your nervous system to whatever you are desiring. Your body wisdom guides the way and will release, integrate and expand into your desires in its own natural and organic way.

The body is a mystical portal for your soul to inhabit and like mother nature your system naturally re-weaves into wholeness with the right support and your loving attention.

Sessions are available in-person, in Cairns or on Zoom from anywhere in the world.

Somatic Psycho-therapeutic Coaching is available in a 5 Session Package. This package is beneficial if you would like to receive deeper support around something in particular and want to create stronger transformation and change.

Sessions are discounted for weekly or fortnightly sessions over 3 months or more. This level of support is deeply nourishing for your nervous system and is a wonderful way to imprint an embodied sense of feeling emotionally supported in life, feeling resourced and resilient inside. This flows onto all areas of your life.

If you are in Cairns, there is an option to receive a combination of Bodywork and Somatic Psychotherapy Coaching.

Send an email to discuss what may suit you best.

  • Recovering from narcissistic abuse

  • Feeling at home in the body

  • Releasing stress

  • Fertility Problems

  • Depression & Anxiety

  • Restoring from burnout

  • Balancing the nervous system

  • Getting back on track if you feel off balance

  • Womb connection

  • Self-love and compassion

  • Feeling more energy and aliveness

  • Receiving energy from inside yourself

  • Accentuating positive thoughts and beliefs

  • Feeling at home on earth

  • Growing new parts of yourself

  • Nourishing growth and new ways of being

  • Inner child healing

  • Accessing more life force

  • Processing emotions

  • Knowing your needs wants and desires

  • Enhancing intuition

  • Releasing sexual blocks

"Jacqui holds a wonderful safe, nurturing and oh so feminine space. I felt at ease and relaxed immediately and all the way throughout my session. This allowed me to fully surrender to the process. As Jacqui guided me through different steps, I went on a beautiful journey. Gentle, yet powerful. In the days after my session, I felt a subtle change in my life, a sort of ease, as well as a re connection with the ways of the Divine Feminine. For this, I am infinitely grateful."

Much love Nelly

"When I met with Jacqui I was experiencing waves grief and through her slow, attentive and nurturing presence I was able to discover the layers and areas in my body where this was being stored. There was a gentle unraveling and awakening process I felt as a result to this deeper inquiry. It's hard to put into words the actual feelings that were happening in my body, but I know the impact of this session was long lasting and supported me for months afterwards. I felt so ALIVE and able to move past the Freeze state of confusion. Jacqui created such a calm and safe space to co-regulate within which really allowed me to drop deeper  into myself. Her physical space is beautiful, warm, and welcoming. I highly recommend her 1:1 services to woman who need the highly attuned feminine approach to healing."

Carlyn Creatress

“Jacqui’s Feminine Medicine Coaching sessions are phenomenal. I had previously received massage from Jacqui for years, and now that I live overseas this is no longer possible, but receiving a somatic session with Jacqui was like receiving a beautiful, internal massage across the miles! She safely and gently guided me through a process that allowed me to access some parts of my physical & emotional body that were holding tension and stress, and then guided me to release that stress through a very specific and beautiful process. Afterward I felt that something huge & heavy had been cleared from my being, and I started to feel a great deal lighter and more myself. Old patterns have been released and I feel much more at peace about the issues that were bothering me. Thank you Jacqui!”

Penelope Law

"I have had a few somatic therapy sessions now with Jacqui and they have been utterly amazing! Each time I have felt safe, held, and cared for by Jacqui and this has helped me to be able to access and release some deep pain stored unknowingly within my body – leading to absolutely profound realisations and shifts. With Jacqui’s intuitive guidance I was able to return home to the power that exists within my own soul, and since working together I have moved past some serious blocks holding me back in my personal life. I now feel empowered to let that baggage go and be brave enough to move towards that which I truly desire I highly recommend Jacqui and her work, and all that she does. Thank you so much."
Marea Cantril

"I went to see Jacqui for a Somatic Therapy session as I could feel imprints in my body, however I couldn't stalk them on my own. Jacqui created a safe and compassionate environment so I could deeply delve into the stuff of me and choose to remove trauma and energetic blocks that held some strict toxic beliefs about HOW I SHOULD be DOING MORE for my world. I left the session relieved, joyful, and completely aware of the energetic shift that had taken place. Jacqui was attentive and totally present and asked really insightful questions that allowed me to peel back layers - this is the internal stalking that really works for me, and I am so grateful to have a woman in my community that can hold this space."

Velvet Eldred

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